
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”



I know, you guys are stuck. Although the issues are changing, the dynamic between the two of you often has the same music.  You know what your partner is going to say, you can predict how you are going to act.  Even though you know how it’s going to play out, it never helped you to get what you want.


I work with couples, particularly those who are stuck in this cycle. I believe that underneath all the upset, there is a deep longing for connection.


In our work together, we will expand the way you and your partner communicate with each other.  We will learn to speak the language of the heart. It is possible; I have witnessed high-conflict partners finding each other and falling in love again.

We usually have wounded areas due to past relationships. That is why relationships can also be a source of healing. Witnessing partners give each other new experiences and eventually rewiring each other’s brains is what makes this work so inspiring for me.



Sessions can be conducted in English or Hebrew.