Don't wait any longer.
In the ocean, Leave and let the sea be you.
Ephrat Shapiro
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) #116333
My name is Ephrat, and I am a truth seeker. Like most people, I began therapy because there was a knock on my door. Since then, my life has not been the same. There was something missing for me in traditional psychotherapy, and I experienced further growth in spiritual traditions like Tibetan Buddhism and Vipassana meditation.
The key to understanding my inner story was to pay attention to the wisdom of the body. Our bodies can communicate things that our mind does not know; getting in touch with this knowledge helps us become aware of our emotions.
Individual Therapy
Couples Therapy
I work with couples, particularly those who are stuck in this cycle. I believe that underneath all the upset, there is a deep longing for connection.
“Even the helpless victim of a hopeless situation, facing a fate he cannot change, may rise above himself, may grow beyond himself, and by doing so, change himself. He may turn a personal tragedy into a triumph.”